A Day in Lucca

After almost two years, countless kilometres walked in the city and a few visits to bars, I can perhaps already call myself an „insider […]. Don’t plan too much for one day. Enjoy the city, sit down in a café, drink an Aperol, Campari or a Negroni and watch the people strolling around. Following the quote „Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while you could miss it.“ – John Hughes

Wie viel Kraft uns die Sonne und das Wasser geben, und das umsonst.

A better try.

Grazie amico mio, scommessa accettata! Yes, more posts again. Quite a lot to do. Quite a lot of pressure. Even though I know that I have hardly managed to write anything at all in the last 365 days. But I didn’t start servuserdnuss to write nothing, rather to take my time. Time for myself and my thoughts. Time to share experiences and perhaps also to bring joy to others – or more: to simply share my love of life and my adventures with you.

2022 . New year. New challenges.

I didn’t say much more about it in the end. It went too fast somehow. But as most of you have noticed, it was probably the best year I’ve ever had. Thanks to the people, thanks to Italy and above all thanks to me. „Last but not least, I wanna thank me.[…]“ – the famous words of Snoop Dogg. Very arrogant, and still somehow not. Somehow just true. In 2021 I learned how important it is to accept yourself.

Wer hätte nicht gerne mehr Zeit.

Man erhofft sich ja irgendwie endlos Zeit zu haben. Zeit für Dinge, die uns voranbringen und uns entwickeln, Zeit für Dinge, die wir gerne tun, Zeit zum Seele baumeln lassen und Zeit für unsere wichtigsten und liebsten Wegbegleiter.

Lucca – Teil 1

Ohne Kontakte, ohne Sprachkenntnisse, dafür mit Job und Wohnung hieß es nun: Lena alleine in Italien.
Ich fühle mich regelmäßig so, als ob ich Kevin große Konkurrenz machen könnte.

Servus – Ciao – Hallo

Ciao Ragazzi, mein erster Beitrag über mich und mein Abenteuer: Bella Italia.
Ich möchte versuchen, euch einen kleinen Einblick in mein abenteuerliches Leben in Italien zu geben und mit Tipps, Tricks und einigen Lachern zu versorgen.